Dickinson + Partners: International Leader in Deafspace

To understand the very idea of an environment designed for a specific culture, one needs to clearly understand the population whose needs it will serve.

Dickinson + Partners John Dickinson not only understands the multiple considerations of designing Deaf spaces, he has been instrumental in shaping the field and national understanding of DeafSpace design. 

Little formal literature exists describing special programming and design requirements for deaf and blind populations. In response to this need, Dickinson wrote the National Standard K-12 Educational Design Guidelines for the Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Cochlear Implanted Student.  These standards have been groundbreaking in creating a national understanding of DeafSpace design concepts.

Designing spaces for Deaf signers involves a greater sensitivity to creating rich multi-sensory environment that eases mobility, expresses identity, and enhances wellbeing.  By maximizing site lines and emphasizing well-placed lighting sources, DeafSpace design creates an aesthetic that meets the unique and varied visual needs of Deaf and hard of hearing individuals.

With an extensive portfolio of designing spaces informed by the unique ways in which deaf people live and inhabit space, Dickinson + Partners is now recognized as one of the top international firms in DeafSpace programming and design.

 Human Centered Design and DeafSpace

Human Centered Design connects us, and the cultural elements of design

DeafSpace design offers the opportunity to celebrate the culture of the Deaf Community while reflecting the vibrant language, traditions and experiences of the people. Dedicated to promoting knowledge and appreciation of Deaf culture, these design elements give designers an opportunity to honor the lives of Deaf people in the past, present and future.